
u        背景介紹:


u        新聞報導:

        Google isn’t having a good summer. Just as vacationers are catching the rays, European storm clouds are gathering over the Internet search giant.

        EU regulators are poised to unleash a formal investigation into Android, Google’s operating system for mobile devices, on the back of concerns that it is promoting its own services such as maps and applications and shutting out rivals.

        Once regulators have pored over the responses, and if they find evidence to support their concerns about Android, Almunia’s as yet unnamed successor would likely unveil a formal probe.

u        ()語:

  1. 1.      catch the rays曬太陽。

        例句: I thought I'd take my lunch outside and catch a few rays.


  1. 2.      on the back of在一件事情之後。

                例句:The advertising agency secured the contract on the back of its previous successful campaigns.


  1. 3.      shut out阻止他人參與競爭。

        例句:A: Did you win? B: Yea, we got a shut out! A: What was the score?

                  B: 13-0!

  1. 4.      pore over仔細觀察。

        例句:She pored over the reports, looking for errors. (他很仔細地看報告,找出是否有錯誤。)

u        單字:

  1. 1.      unleash:解開;提出。
  2. 2.      operating system:作業系統。
  3. 3.      evidence證據。
  4. 4.      successor繼任者。


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